A Memory of Whales

A Memory of Whales
By Ron Hunter, Tour Leader

Their time started long before our time

the sea beckoned them from the land

their home

Remembering everything they are puzzled

not angry

not vengeful


and sad
They were wolves

The elders thought and sang

enough of killing warm blood

enough of suffering

and sadness

The song came back

We are wolves
We are, we are

we are
Enough they sang

we must return 

to the blue

Following the song

they returned to the blue

They remember everything
It is in their song

across the millennia

across mother ocean

We will be strong

we will endure

we will be gentle

we will, we will

So many of us then


and then they

they came, they came

dark shapes on the blue

throbbing, hunting, killing

the song

So few of us then

Are they wolves?

We were wolves

We come here to feed

to grow

to endure 
the song fading

Where are the leaders?

our Pathfinders?

We are lost

We are lost

in the blue

There are others now

on the blue

more dark shapes

not killing
the song

Between us and the wolves

Are they wolves?

We were wolves

It is in our song

The light is fading

We must go

We must, we must 


a memory in the song

the tall land

There is none to show us the way

We are lost on the blue

A new song is calling us

Come with us
we know the way

some of us left

the low land

the way there

to a new home 

your home too

it is warm, it is calm

no wolves

We see them now

on the blue

so small, so slow

they breathe

they breathe

like us

look at them


their eyes

we are one

in the blue

we are 
we are


in the blue

and forgiving

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